Feedback Videos
What is it?
A feedback video provides summarizing commentary on student work. This can be done for individual students (one video per student) or as feedback to all (one video for an entire class).
​Why should I do it?
Providing video feedback helps to personalize the learning experience for students. In some cases, video feedback allows you to also be more detailed than the traditional margin comments.
What tools do I need?
a free recording application
free video hosting
whiteboard application
(depending on visual style)
What does it look like?
Orientation videos are usually talking head style, narrated slide shows, screencasts, or pencasts.
How do I organize it?
Providing feedback is always a delicate process. Video feedback is helpful but adds additional layers (such as tone of voice and facial expression) for students to interpret. Send clear and consistent messages by engaging in mindful communication practices. If feedback is provided to students individually, address the student by name.
Feedback Video Template
​Create feedback videos new every time.
Use communication tools (such as the course announcements tool) in your learning management system to direct learners to where they can view their video feedback.
Tips for Success​
Example Individualized Student Feedback Video (Screencast)
Example [Whole-Class] Feedback Video (Screencast)
Risoldi Cochrane, Z. (2016). No more grading in your pajamas: Using video to provide feedback on assignments. Ret. July 27, 2017 from
Check out The Scholarly Teacher's blog post No More Grading in Your Pajamas: Using Video to Provide Feedback on Assignments